Akin to a supernova, a celestial body, radioactive material, a single-celled organism or a cryptographic algorithm, Cryptocristallin displays the inside of a geode formed by cooled volcanic gases. The hidden details of its internal structure have been procedurally generated from signs on its surface. The six minute seamless loop reveals the volcanic rock’s hollow cavities lined with crystals and minerals by exploring its strata from all angles and through the sonification of its composition.
Cryptocristallin (2021), La Terre en suspens exhibition. Centre d’art de Kamouraska (Quebec, Canada). 2022. Photo : François Quévillon.Cryptocristallin (2021), La Terre en suspens exhibition. Centre d’art de Kamouraska (Quebec, Canada). 2022. Photo : François Quévillon.Cryptocristallin, La Terre en suspenssolo exhibition. Espace Séquence of Bang Centre, Chicoutimi, 2021. Photo : François Quévillon.Cryptocristallin, La Terre en suspenssolo exhibition. Espace Séquence of Bang Centre, Chicoutimi, 2021. Photo : François Quévillon.Cryptocristallin and Lac Lustar.La Terre en suspenssolo exhibition. Centre d’exposition d’Amos, 2022-2023. Curator : Eric Mattson. Photo : François Quévillon.La Terre en suspenssolo exhibition. Centre d’exposition d’Amos, 2022-2023. Curator : Eric Mattson. Photo : François Quévillon.Météores (3763) and Cryptocristallin. La Terre en suspenssolo exhibition. Centre d’exposition d’Amos, 2022-2023. Curator : Eric Mattson. Photo : François Quévillon.La Terre en suspens exhibition at OBORO, Montreal, 2023. Photo credit : François QuévillonLa Terre en suspens exhibition at OBORO, Montreal, 2023. Photo credit : François QuévillonCryptocristallin, Magma Chambersolo exhibition at the forge building of the King Mine Historic Center | KB3 (Thetford Mines), 2023. The exhibition is part of EXEcentrer‘s Dériver project organized in collaboration with Minéro – Musée de Thetford. Photo credit : François Quévillon.Cryptocristallin at L’unique – Musée Dehors in the context of Révolutions V52. Caen (France), 2023. Photo : Vincent Auvrey.
Thanks to the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and Etienne Richan.